pyatran – handling SCIATRAN from Python

pyatran is a collection of Python methods and classes to access the SCIATRAN radiative transfer model from the Python programming language.


In case of any questions, please contact the maintainer Andreas Hilboll.

Reporting bugs

For reporting bugs, it would be most convenient if you could use the issue tracker on Gitlab. In case you don’t have an account on Gitlab, you can also send an e-mail to create an issue.

Citing pyatran

When you use pyatran for your research, please be so kind and cite it. We provide a Zenodo citation and DOI for this purpose:

An example BibTeX entry:

      author = {Hilboll, Andreas and
                Sanders, Abram F. J. and
                Borchardt, Jakob},
      title  = {pyatran: v0.3.1},
      month  = sep,
      year   = 2018,
      doi    = {10.5281/zenodo.1439269},
      url    = {}

Indices and tables